Source code for deflex.transmission

# --> Kann in deflex bleiben, das es mit geometries zusammenpasst!!!
# --> DOKU !!!!!

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Processing a list of power plants in Germany.

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2019 Uwe Krien <>

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
__copyright__ = "Uwe Krien <>"
__license__ = "MIT"

import math
import os

import pandas as pd

from deflex import config as cfg
from deflex import geometries

[docs]def get_grid_capacity(grid, plus, minus): """Read the grid capacity from a given region pair from the renpass db.""" tmp_grid = grid.query( "plus_region_id == {:0d} & ".format(plus) + "minus_region_id == {:1d} & ".format(minus) + "scenario_name == 'status_quo_2012_distance'" ) if len(tmp_grid) > 0: capacity = tmp_grid.capacity_calc.sum() distance = tmp_grid.distance.iloc[0] else: capacity = 0 distance = 0 return capacity, distance
[docs]def add_reverse_direction(df): """ Duplicate all entries of a DataFrame with a reverse index. The index must contain a dash between two sub-strings. """ values = df.copy() def id_inverter(name): """Swap the sub-parts of a string left and right of a dash.""" return "-".join([name.split("-")[1], name.split("-")[0]]) df.index = return pd.DataFrame(pd.concat([values, df]))
[docs]def get_electrical_transmission_default( rmap=None, power_lines=None, both_directions=False ): """ Creates a default set of transmission capacities, distance and efficiency. The map of the lines must exist in the geometries directory. The default values are infinity for the capacity, nan for the distance and 1 for the efficiency. Parameters ---------- rmap : str The name of the transmission line map, that is part of deflex. power_lines : iterable[str] A list of names of transmission lines. All name must contain a dash between the id of the regions (FromRegion-ToRegion). both_directions : bool If True any line will be replicated in the reverse direction. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Transmission capacity, distance and efficiency between regions Examples -------- >>> df=get_electrical_transmission_default('de21') >>> df.loc['DE10-DE12', 'capacity'] inf >>> df.loc['DE10-DE12', 'distance'] nan >>> df.loc['DE10-DE12', 'efficiency'] 1.0 >>> len(df) 39 >>> len(get_electrical_transmission_default('de22')) 40 >>> len(get_electrical_transmission_default('de17')) 31 >>> len(get_electrical_transmission_default('de02')) 1 >>> my_lines=['reg1-reg2', 'reg2-reg3'] >>> df=get_electrical_transmission_default(power_lines=my_lines) >>> df.loc['reg1-reg2', 'capacity'] inf >>> df=get_electrical_transmission_default(power_lines=my_lines, ... both_directions=True) >>> df.loc['reg2-reg1', 'capacity'] inf """ if power_lines is None: power_lines = pd.DataFrame(geometries.deflex_power_lines(rmap)).index trans = pd.DataFrame() for length in power_lines: trans.loc[length, "capacity"] = float("inf") trans.loc[length, "distance"] = float("nan") trans.loc[length, "efficiency"] = 1 if both_directions is True: trans = add_reverse_direction(trans) return trans
[docs]def get_electrical_transmission_renpass(both_directions=False): """ Prepare the transmission capacity and distance between de21 regions from the renpass database. The original table of the reegis database is transferred to a csv file, which is part of the reegis package. As renpass is deprecated it will not change in the future. The index uses the format 'region1-region2'. The distance is taken from centroid to centroid. By default every region pair exists only once. It is possible to get an entry in both directions if the parameter `both_directions` is set True. The capacity calculation is taken from the description of the renpass package [1]_. The data is taken from the renpass database [2]_. This function is only valid for the original renpass region set. Parameters ---------- both_directions : bool If True any line will be replicated in the reverse direction. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Transmission capacity and distance between regions References ---------- .. [1] Wiese, Frauke (2015). „Renewable Energy Pathways Simulation System – Open Source as an approach to meet challenges in energy modeling“. Diss. University of Flensburg. URL : (page 49) .. [2] Wiese, F.: Renpass - Renewable Energy Pathways Simulation System, Examples -------- >>> translines=get_electrical_transmission_renpass() >>> int(translines.loc['DE11-DE17', 'capacity']) 2506 >>> int(translines.loc['DE18-DE17', 'distance']) 119 >>> translines.loc['DE08-DE06'] capacity 7519.040402 distance 257.000000 Name: DE08-DE06, dtype: float64 >>> translines=get_electrical_transmission_renpass(both_directions=True) >>> int(translines.loc['DE11-DE17', 'capacity']) 2506 >>> int(translines.loc['DE17-DE11', 'capacity']) 2506 """ # from [1] Wiese, Frauke (2015) (s. above) security_factor = 0.7 current_max = 2720 grid = pd.read_csv( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "static", "renpass_transmission.csv")) grid["capacity_calc"] = ( grid.circuits * current_max * grid.voltage * security_factor * math.sqrt(3) / 1000 ) pwr_lines = pd.DataFrame(geometries.deflex_power_lines(rmap="de21")) for idx in pwr_lines.index: split = idx.split("-") a = int("110{0}".format(split[0][2:])) b = int("110{0}".format(split[1][2:])) # print(a, b) cap1, dist1 = get_grid_capacity(grid, a, b) cap2, dist2 = get_grid_capacity(grid, b, a) if cap1 == 0 and cap2 == 0: pwr_lines.loc[idx, "capacity"] = 0 pwr_lines.loc[idx, "distance"] = 0 elif cap1 == 0: pwr_lines.loc[idx, "capacity"] = cap2 pwr_lines.loc[idx, "distance"] = dist2 elif cap2 == 0: pwr_lines.loc[idx, "capacity"] = cap1 pwr_lines.loc[idx, "distance"] = dist1 # plot_grid(pwr_lines) df = pwr_lines[["capacity", "distance"]] if both_directions is True: df = add_reverse_direction(df) return df
[docs]def scenario_transmission(table_collection, regions, name): """Get power plants for the scenario year Examples -------- >>> my_regions=geometries.deflex_regions(rmap="de21") # doctest: +SKIP >>> pp=scenario_powerplants(dict(), my_regions, 2014, "de21" ... ) # doctest: +SKIP >>> lines=scenario_transmission(pp, my_regions, "de21") # doctest: +SKIP >>> int(lines.loc["DE07-DE05", ("electrical", "capacity")] ... ) # doctest: +SKIP 1978 >>> int(lines.loc["DE07-DE05", ("electrical", "distance")] ... ) # doctest: +SKIP 199 >>> float(lines.loc["DE07-DE05", ("electrical", "efficiency")] ... ) # doctest: +SKIP 0.9 >>> cfg.tmp_set("basic", "copperplate", "True") >>> lines=scenario_transmission(pp, regions, "de21" ... ) # doctest: +SKIP >>> cfg.tmp_set("basic", "copperplate", "False") >>> float(lines.loc["DE07-DE05", ("electrical", "capacity")] ... ) # doctest: +SKIP inf >>> float(lines.loc["DE07-DE05", ("electrical", "distance")] ... ) # doctest: +SKIP nan >>> float(lines.loc["DE07-DE05", ("electrical", "efficiency")] ... ) # doctest: +SKIP 1.0 """ vs = table_collection["volatile_source"] # This should be done automatic e.g. if representative point outside the # landmass polygon. offshore_regions = geometries.divide_off_and_onshore(regions).offshore if name in ["de21", "de22"] and not cfg.get("basic", "copperplate"): elec_trans = get_electrical_transmission_renpass() general_efficiency = cfg.get("transmission", "general_efficiency") if general_efficiency is not None: elec_trans["efficiency"] = general_efficiency else: msg = ( "The calculation of the efficiency by distance is not yet " "implemented" ) raise NotImplementedError(msg) else: elec_trans = get_electrical_transmission_default() # Set transmission capacity of offshore power lines to installed capacity # Multiply the installed capacity with 1.1 to get a buffer of 10%. for offreg in offshore_regions: elec_trans.loc[elec_trans.index.str.contains(offreg), "capacity"] = ( vs.loc[offreg].sum().sum() * 1.1 ) elec_trans = pd.concat( [elec_trans], axis=1, keys=["electrical"] ).sort_index(1) if cfg.get("init", "map") == "de22" and not cfg.get( "basic", "copperplate" ): elec_trans.loc["DE22-DE01", ("electrical", "efficiency")] = 0.9999 elec_trans.loc["DE22-DE01", ("electrical", "capacity")] = 9999999 return elec_trans
if __name__ == "__main__": pass