Usage guide



The scenario class DeflexScenario is a central element of deflex.

All input data is stored as a dictionary in the input_data attribute of the DeflexScenario class. The keys of the dictionary are names of the data table and the values are pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series with the data.

Load input data

At the moment, there are two methods to populate this attribute from files:

  • read_csv() - read a directory with all needed csv files.
  • read_xlsx() - read a spread sheet in the .xlsx

To learn how to create a valid input data set see “REFERENCE”.

from deflex import scenario
sc = scenario.DeflexScenario()
# OR

Solve the energy system

A valid input data set describes an energy system. To optimise the dispatch of the energy system a external solver is needed. By default the CBC solver is used but different solver are possible (see: solver).

The simplest way to solve a scenario is the compute() method.


To use a different solver one can pass the solver parameter.


Store and restore the scenario

The dump() method can be used to store the scenario. a solved scenario will be stored with the results. The scenario is stored in a binary format and it is not human readable.


To restore the scenario use the restore_scenario function:

sc = scenario.restore_scenario("path/to/store/results.dflx")

Analyse the scenario

Most analyses cannot be taken if the scenario is not solved. However, the merit order can be shown only based on the input data:

from deflex import DeflexScenario
from deflex import analyses
sc = DeflexScenario()
pp = analyses.merit_order_from_scenario(sc)
ax = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 4)).add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
ax.step(pp["capacity_cum"].values, pp["costs_total"].values, where="pre")
ax.set_xlabel("Cumulative capacity [GW]")
ax.set_ylabel("Marginal costs [EUR/MWh]")
ax.set_xlim(0, pp["capacity_cum"].max())

With the de02_co2-price_var-costs.xlsx from the examples the code above will produce the following plot:


Filling the area between the line and the x-axis with colors according the fuel of the power plant oen get the following plot:


IMPORTANT: This is just an example and not a source for the actual merit order in Germany.


Console scripts

The console scripts can be used to model a scenario without using Python directly (Python need to be installed, though).

Get the help message by typing

deflex-compute --help

The reference can also be found here: main()

If you dumped your results you can also use postprocessing tools. Read the help message for more information by typing:

deflex-result --help

The reference can also be found here: result() See the results section for more information about the postprocessing function and classes. Not all postprocessing tools can be used with the console script.

Python scripts

For the typical work flow (creating a scenario, loading the input data, computing the scenario and storing the results) the model_scenario() function can be used.

To collect all scenarios from a given directory the function search_input_scenarios() can be used. The function will search for .xlsx files or paths that end on _csv and cannot distinguish between a valid scenario and any .xlsx file or paths that accidentally contain _csv.

No matter how you collect a list of a scenario input data files the batch_model_scenario() function makes it easier to run each scenario and get back the relevant information about the run. It is possible to ignore exceptions so that the script will go on with the following scenarios if one scenario fails.

If you have enough memory and cpu capacity on your computer/server you can optimise your scenarios in parallel. Use the model_multi_scenarios() function for this task. You can pass a list of scenario files to this function. A cpu fraction will limit the number of processes as a fraction of the maximal available number of cpu cores. Keep in mind that for large models the memory will be the limit not the cpu capacity. If a memory error occurs the script will stop immediately. It is not possible to catch a memory error. A log-file will log all failing and successful runs.

Input data

The input data is stored in the input_data attribute of the DeflexScenario class (s. DeflexScenario). It is a dictionary with the name of the data set as key and the data table itself as value (pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series).

The input data is divided into four main topics: High-level-inputs, electricity sector, heating sector (optional) and mobility sector (optional).

Download examples (link) to get an idea of the typical structure. Then go on with the following chapter to learn everything about how to define the data of a deflex model.


A Deflex scenario can be divided into regions. Each region must have an identifier number and be named after it as DEXX, where XX is the number. For refering the Deflex scenario as a whole (i.e. the sum of all regions) use DE only.

At the current state the distribution of fossil fuels is neglected. Therefore, in order to keep the computing time low it is recommended to define them supra-regional using DE without a number. It is still possible to define them regional for example to add a specific limit for each region.


The nomenclature above is the one used in the examples. It is also possible to extend it e.g. for surrounding countries (AT, FR, PL…) or to totally deviate from it. Nevertheless, it might be helpful to keep the basic idea of using the country code of the top level domain followed by a number if subregions exist or without a number. This will help other users to understand your data.

In most cases it is also sufficient to model the fossil part of the mobility and the decentralised heating sector supra-regional. It is assumed that a gas boiler or a filling station is always supplied with enough fuel, so that only the annual values affect the model. This does not apply to electrical heating systems or cars.

In most spread sheet software it is possible to connect cells to increase readability. These lines are interpreted correctly. In csv files the values have to appear in every cell. So the following two tables will be interpreted equally!

Connected cells

DE01 F1  
DE02 F1  

Unconnected cells

DE01 F1  
DE01 F2  
DE02 F1  


NaN-values are not allowed in any table. Some columns are optional and can be left out, but if a column is present there have to be values in every row. Neutral values can be 0, 1 or inf.

High-level-input (mandatory)


key: ‘general’, value: pandas.Series()

This table contains basic data about the scenario.

co2 price  
number of time steps  


year: int, [-]
A time index will be created starting with January 1, at 00:00 with the number of hours given in number of time steps.
co2 price: float, [€/t]
The average price for CO2 over the whole time period.
number of time steps: int, [-]
The number of hourly time steps.
name: str, [-]
A name for the scenario. This name will be used to compare key values between different scenarios. Therefore, it should be unique within a group of scenarios. It does not have to be intuitive. Use the info table for a human readable description of your scenario.


key: ‘info’, value: pandas.Series()

On this sheet, additional information that characterizes the scenario can be added. The idea behind Info is that the user can filter stored scenarios using the search_dumped_scenarios() function.

You can create any key-value pair which is suitable for a group of scenarios.

e.g. key: scenario_type value: foo / bar / foobar

Afterwards you can search for all scenarios where the scenario_type is foo using search_dumped_scenarios(). See documentation and examples of this function for more details.


Commodity sources

key: ‘commodity sources’, value: pandas.DataFrame()

This sheet requires data from all the commodities used in the scenario. The data can be provided either supra-regional under DE, regional under DEXX or as a combination of both, where some commodities are global and some are regional. Regionalised commodities are especially useful for commodities with an annual limit, for example bioenergy.

    costs emission annual limit
DE F1      
DE01 F1      
DE02 F2      


level 0: str
Region (e.g. DE01, DE02 or DE).
level 1: str
Fuel type (e.g. natural gas or bionenergy).


costs: float, [€/MWh]
The fuel production cost.
emission: float, [t/MWh]
The fuel emission factor.
annual limit: float, [MWh]
The annual maximum energy generation (if there is one, otherwise just use inf). If the annual limit is inf in every line the column can be left out.

Data sources

key: ‘data sources’, value: pandas.DataFrame()

Highly recomended. Here the type data, the source name and the url from where they were obtained can be listed. It is a free format and additional columns can be added. This table helps to make your scenario as transparent as possible.

  source url v1
cost data Institute http1 a1
pv plants Organisation http2 a2

Electricity sector (mandatory)

Electricity demand series

key: ‘electricity demand series’, value: pandas.DataFrame()

This sheet requires the electricity demand of the scenario as a time series. One summarised demand series for each region is enough, but it is possible to distinguish between different types. This will not have any effect on the model results but may help to distinguish the different flows in the results.

  DE01 DE02 DE03
  all industry buildings rest all
Time step 1          
Time step 2          


time step: int
Number of time step. Must be uniform in all series tables.


unit: [MW]

level 0: str
Region (e.g. DE01, DE02).
level 1: str
Specification of the series e.g. “all” for an overall series.

Power plants

key: ‘power plants’, value: pandas.DataFrame()

The power plants will feed in the electricity bus of the region the are located. The data must be divided by region and subdivided by fuel. Each row can indicate one power plant or a group of power plants. It is possible to add additional columns for information purposes.

    capacity fuel efficiency annual electricity limit variable_cost downtime_factor source_region
DE01 N1              
DE02 N2              


level 0: str
Region (e.g. DE01, DE02).
level 1: str
Name, arbitrary. The combination of region and name is the unique identifier for the power plant or the group of power plants.


capacity: float, [MW]
The installed capacity of the power plant or the group of power plants.
fuel: str, [-]
The used fuel of the power plant or group of power plants. The combination of source_region and fuel must exist in the commodity sources table.
efficiency: float, [-]
The average overall efficiency of the power plant or the group of power plants.
annual limit: float, [MWh]
The absolute maximum limit of produced electricity within the whole modeling period.
variable_costs: float, [€/MWh]
The variable costs per produced electricity unit.
downtime_factor: float, [-]
The time fraction of the modeling period in which the power plant or the group of power plants cannot produce electricity. The installed capacity will be reduced by this factor capacity * (1 - downtime_factor).
source_region, [-]
The source region of the fuel source. Typically this is the region of the index or DE if it is a global commodity source. The combination of source_region and fuel must exist in the commodity sources table.

Volatiles plants

key: ‘volatile plants’, value: pandas.DataFrame()

Examples of volatile power plants are solar, wind, hydro, geothermal. Data must be provided divided by region and subdivided by energy source. Each row can indicate one plant or a group of plants. It is possible to add additional columns for information purposes.

DE01 N1  
DE02 N1  
DE03 N1  


level 0: str
Region (e.g. DE01, DE02).
level 1: str
Name, arbitrary. The combination of the region and the name has to exist as a time series in the volatile series table.


capacity: float, [MW]
The installed capacity of the plant.

Volatile series

key: ‘volatile series’, value: pandas.DataFrame()

This sheet provides the normalised feed-in time series in MW/MW installed. So each time series will multiplied with its installed capacity to get the absolute feed-in. Therefore, the combination of region and name has to exist in the volatile plants table.

  DE01 DE02 DE03
  N1 N2 N1 N1 N3
Time step 1          
Time step 2          


time step: int
Number of time step. Must be uniform in all series tables.


unit: [MW]

level 0: str
Region (e.g. DE01, DE02).
level 1: str
Name of the energy source specified in the previous sheet.

Power lines

key: ‘power lines’, value: pandas.DataFrame()

The power lines table defines the connection between the electricity buses of each region of the scenario. There is no default connection. If no connection is defined the regions will be self-sufficient.

  capacity efficiency


Name: str
Name of the 2 connected regions separated by a dash. Define only one direction. In the model one line for each direction will be created. If both directions are defined in the table two lines for each direction will be created for the model, so that the capacity will be the sum of both lines.


capacity: float, [MW]
The maximum transmission capacity of the power lines.
efficiency:float, [-]
The transmission efficiency of the power line.

Electricity storages

key: ‘storages’, value: pandas.DataFrame()

Electricity storages is a particular case of storages (see Storages). The condition to use a storage as an electricity storage is to define electricity in the storage medium column.

Heating sector (optional)

Heat demand series

key: ‘heat demand series’, value: pandas.DataFrame()

The heat demand can be entered regionally under DEXX or supra-regional under DE. The only type of demand that must be entered regionally is district heating. As recommendation, coal, gas, or oil demands should be treated supra-regional.

  DE01 DE02   DE
  district heating N1 district heating N1 N2 N3 N4 N5
Time step 1                  
Time step 2                  


time step: int
Number of time step. Must be uniform in all series tables.


unit: [MW]

level 0: str
Region (e.g. DE01, DE02 or DE).
level 1: str
Name. Specification of the series e.g. district heating, coal, gas. Except for district heating each combination of region and name must exist in the decentralised heat table.

Decentralised heat

key: ‘decentralised heat’, value: pandas.DataFrame()

This sheet covers all heating technologies that are used to generate decentralized heat. In this context decentralised does not mean regional it represents the large group of independent heating systems. If there is no specific reason to define a heating system regional they should be defined supra-regional.

    efficiency source source region
DE01 N1     DE01
DE02 N1     DE02
N2     DE02
DE N3     DE
N4     DE
N5     DE


level 0: str
Region (e.g. DE01, DE02 or DE).
level 1: str
Name, arbitrary.


efficiency: float, [-]
The efficiency of the heating technology.
source: str, [-]
The source that the heating technology uses. Examples are coal, oil for commodities, but it could also be electricity in case of a heat pump. Except for electricity the combination of source and source region has to exist in the commodity sources table. The electricity source will be connected to the electricity bus of the region defined in source region.
source region: str
The region where the source comes from (see source).

Chp - heat plants

key: ‘chp-heat plants’, value: pandas.DataFrame()

This sheet covers CHP and heat plants. Each plant will feed into the district heating bus of the region it it is located. The demand of district heating is defined in the heat demand series table with the name district heating. All plants of the same region with the same fuel can be defined in one row but it is also possible to divide them by additional categories such as efficiency etc.

    limit heat chp capacity heat chp capacity elec chp limit hp capacity hp efficiency hp efficiency heat chp efficiency elec chp fuel source region
DE01 N1                   DE01
N3                   DE
N4                   DE
DE02 N1                   DE02
N2                   DE02
N3                   DE
N4                   DE
N5                   DE


level 0: str
Region (e.g. DE01, DE02).
level 1: str
Name, arbitrary.


limit heat chp: float, [MWh]
The absolute maximum limit of heat produced by chp within the whole modeling period.
capacity heat chp: float, [MW]
The installed heat capacity of all chp plants of the same group in the region.
capacity elect chp: float, [MW]
The installed electricity capacity of all chp plants of the same group in the region.
limit hp: float, [MWh]
The absolute maximum limit of heat produced by the heat plant within the whole modeling period.
capacity hp: float, [MW]
The installed heat capacity of all heat of the same group in the region.
efficiency hp: float, [-]
The average overall efficiency of the heat plant.
efficiency heat chp: float, [-]
The average overall heat efficiency of the chp.
efficiency elect chp: float, [-]
The average overall electricity efficiency of the chp.
fuel: str, [-]
The used fuel of the plants. The fuel name must be equal to the fuel type of the commodity sources. The combination of fuel and source region has to exist in the commodity sources table.
source_region, [-]
The source region of the fuel source. Typically this is the region of the index or DE if it is a global commodity source.

Mobility sector (optional)

Mobility demand series

key: ‘mobility series’, value: pandas.DataFrame()

The mobility demand can be entered regionally or supra-regional. However, it is recommended to define the mobility demand supra-regional except for electricity. The demand for electric mobility has be defined regional because it will be connected to the electricity bus of each region. The combination of region and name has to exist in the mobility table.

  DE01 DE02 DE
  electricity electricity   N1
Time step 1        
Time step 2        


time step: int
Number of time step. Must be uniform in all series tables.


unit: [MW]

level 0: str
Region (e.g. DE01, DE02 or DE).
level 1: str
Specification of the series e.g. “electricity” for each region or “diesel”, “petrol” for DE.


key: ‘mobility’, value: pandas.DataFrame()

This sheet covers the technologies of the mobility sector.

    efficiency source source region
DE01 electricity   electricity DE01
DE02 electricity   electricity DE02
DE N1   oil/biofuel/H2/etc DE


level 0: str
Region (e.g. DE01, DE02 or DE).
level 1: str
Name, arbitrary.


efficiency: float, [-]
The efficiency of the fuel production. If a diesel demand is defined in the mobility demand series table the efficiency represents the efficiency of diesel production from the commodity source e.g. oil. For a biofuel demand the efficiency of the production of biofuel from biomass has to be defined.
source: str, [-]
The source that the technology uses. Except for electricity the combination of source and source region has to exist in the commodity sources table. The electricity source will be connected to the electricity bus of the region defined in source region.
source region: str, [-]
The region where the source comes from.

Other (optional)


key: ‘storages’, value: pandas.DataFrame()

Different type of storages can be defined in this table. All different storage technologies (pumped hydro, batteries, compressed air, hydrogen, etc) have to be entered in a general way. Each row can indicate one storage or a group of storages. If the storage medium is electricity, then the storage must exist in a region DEXX. Otherwise, the storage can be defined under DE. It is possible to add additional columns for information purposes.

    storage medium energy content energy inflow charge capacity discharge capacity charge efficiency discharge efficiency loss rate
DE01 S1 electricity              
  S2 electricity              
DE02 S1 electricity              
DE S3 hydrogen              


level 0: str
Region (e.g. DE01, DE02).
level 1: str
Name, arbitrary.


storage medium: str
The medium used to store energy. The storage medium must be defined in commodities, or it must be electricity.
energy content: float, [MWh]
The maximum energy content of a storage or a group storages.
energy inflow: float, [MWh]
The amount of energy that will feed into the storage of the model period in MWh. For example a river into a pumped hydroelectric energy storage.
charge capacity: float, [MW]
Maximum capacity to charge the storage or the group of storages.
discharge capacity: float, [MW]
Maximum capacity to discharge the storage or the group of storages.
charge efficiency: float, [-]
Charging efficiency of the storage or the group of storages.
discharge efficiency: float, [-]
Discharging efficiency of the storage or the group of storages.
loss rate: float, [-]
The relative loss of the energy content of the storage. For example a loss rate or 0.01 means that the energy content of the storage will be reduced by 1% in each time step.

Other converters

key: ‘other converters’, value: pandas.DataFrame()

Here, other converters than the ones already set, can be defined for linking different buses. A good example here is an electrolyser which connects electricity with hydrogen. Each converter has a source and a target bus with their respective regions. Other converter´s format is analogous to that of power plants and heat plants.

    capacity annual limit efficiency variable costs downtime factor source source region target target region
DE electrolyser1           electricity DE01 hydrogen DE
DE electrolyser2           electricity DE02 hydrogen DE
DE01 C1           S1 DE01 T1 DE01


level 0: str
Region (e.g. DE01, DE02).
level 1: str
Name, arbitrary. The combination of region and name is the unique identifier for the converter or the group of converters.


capacity: float, [MW]
The installed capacity of the converter or the group of converters.
annual limit: float, [MWh]
The absolute maximum limit of produced target units within the whole modeling period.
efficiency: float, [-]
The average overall efficiency of the converter or the group of converters.
variable_costs: float, [€/MWh]
The variable costs per produced target unit.
downtime_factor: float, [-]
The time fraction of the modeling period in which the converter or the group of converters cannot produce target units. The installed capacity will be reduced by this factor capacity * (1 - downtime_factor).
source: str, [-]
The source bus of the converter or group of converters. The combination of source_region and source must exist in the commodity sources table or it can be electricity with its region DEXX.
source_region, [-]
The source region of the source. Typically this is the region of the index or DE if it is a global commodity source.
target: str, [-]
The target bus of the converter or group of converters. The combination of target_region and target must exist in the commodity sources table or it can be electricity with its region DEXX.
trget_region, [-]
The target region of the target. Typically this is the region of the index or DE if it is a global commodity target.

Other demand series

key: ‘other demand series’, value: pandas.DataFrame()

Here, other demands different from electricity, heat or mobility can be entered as time series. Examples are hydrogen or synthetic fuel for the industry sector. The demands can be entered regionally under DEXX or supra-regional under DE. The format here is analogous to that of electricity, heat and mobility demand series.

  DE01 DE02 DE
  D1 D2 D1 D3 hydrogen syn fuel
  sector 1 sector 1 sector 2 sector 3 industry industry
Time step 1            
Time step 2            


time step: int
Number of time step. Must be uniform in all series tables.


unit: [MW]

level 0: str
Region (e.g. DE01, DE02 or DE).
level 1: str
Name. Specification of the series e.g. hydrogen, syn fuel.
level 2: str
Sector name. Specification of the series e.g. industry, LULUCF. This extra level is used to differentiate the sector in which the commodity is used, since the same commodity may be used in different sectors.

Demand response

key: ‘demand response’, value: pandas.DataFrame()

Demand response, also known as demand side management is used to represent flexibility in the demand time series. Because of that it is applied on the four different demand series. There is the option of using two different methods of demand response: the interval and the delay one. The documentation of both methods con be found in SinkDSM where the interval method corresponds to “oemof” and the delay to “DIW” method. Depending on whether the interval or delay method is used, the shift interval or delay columns must be used. Finally, there is also the option of adding a price to use this feature.

        capacity up capacity down method shift interval delay cost up cost down
mobility demand series DE01 electricity None     interval 8 0    
DE02 electricity None     interval 8 0    
DE oil None     delay 0 10    
electricity demand series DE01 all None     interval 8 0    
DE02 indsutry None     interval 8 0    
DE02 buildings None     interval 8 0    
heat demand series DE01 heat pump None     interval 6 0    
DE natural gas None     delay 6 0    
other demand series DE hydrogen indsutry     delay 0 12    


level 0: str
Name of the demand serie.
level 1: str
Region (e.g. DE01, DE02 or DE)
level 2: str
Specification of the serie. The combination of region and specification of the serie has to exist in the corresponding demand serie sheet.
level 3: str
Sector name. This extra index is for when other demand series is used. If this is not the case, just write None instead.


capacity up: float, [MW]
The maximum limit with respect to the demand, to which the demand can be increased.
capacity down: float, [MW]
The minimum limit with respect to the demand, to which the demand can be reduced.
method: str, [-]
The method chosen to be used.
shift interval: str, [-]
If the interval method is used, this column indicates the maximum interval that the demand can be shifted.
delay: str, [-]
If the deelay method is used, this column indicates the maximum delay that demand can be shifted.
cost up: float, [€/MWh]
The variable costs per shifted up unit
cost down: float, [€/MWh]
The variable costs per shifted down unit.


All results are stored in the results attribute of the DeflexScenario class. It is a dictionary with the following keys:

  • main – Results of all variables (result dictionary from oemof.solph)
  • param – Input parameter
  • meta – Meta information and tags of the scenario
  • problem – Information about the linear problem such as lower bound, upper bound etc.
  • solver – Solver results
  • solution – Information about the found solution and the objective value

The deflex package provides some analyse functions as described below but it is also possible to write your own post processing based on the oemof.solph API. See the results chapter of the oemof.solph documentation to learn how to handle the results.

Restore results

Most postprocessing functions need the results dictionary of the DeflexScenario as an input. So it is possible to restore only the results dictionary. Nevertheless, also the whole DeflexScenario object can be restored.

Both function need the full file name (including the path) to the dumped scenario as input parameter. If you have many dumped files onn your hard disc you can use a search function to find and filter the files.

The output of the search function can be directly used in the restore functions from above.


There are different types of postprocessing functions available. Some can be used to verify the overall behaviour of the model. This can be used for debugging but also for plausibility checks. Some can be used to calculated additional key values from the results or to prepare the results to calculate further values. Furthermore, it is possible to get the result from all model variables in the xlsx or csv format.

For most postprocessing calculations cycles can cause problems because assumptions are needed on how to deal with the cycles and it is difficult to implement all possible assumptions in the functions. Therefore it might be easier to use the basic preparation functions and write your own calculations. See below on how to identify different kind of cycles.

Custom postprocessing

For a custom post processing it is possible to filter, group and prepare the results to ones own needs. Use dictionary and list comprehensions to find the needed flows and groups. The label and the class of the nodes can be used to filter the nodes.

The keys of the results["main"] dictionary are tuples.

  • FLows: (<from_node>, <to_node>)
  • Components (<component>, None)
  • Buses (<bus>, None)

A node can be a component or a bus. The values of the tuples are the objects or None.

Get the keys of all buses:

from oemof.solph import Bus
bus_keys = [k for k in results["Main"].keys()
            if isinstance(k[0], Bus) and k[1] is None]

Get a list of buses:

from oemof.solph import Bus
buses = [k[0] for k in results["Main"].keys()
         if isinstance(k[0], Bus) and k[1] is None]

Get a table of all flows from pv sources:

Long version:

import pandas as pd
pv_keys = [
    for k in results["Main"].keys()
    if k[0].label.tag == "volatile" and k[0].label.subtag == "solar"
pv = {}
for pv_key in pv_keys:
    pv[dflx.label2str(pv_key[0].label)] = results["Main"][pv_key][

Short version:

import pandas as pd
pv = {
    dflx.label2str(k[0].label): v["sequences"]["flow"]
    for k, v in results["Main"].items()
    if k[0].label.tag == "volatile" and k[0].label.subtag == "solar"

For more information about the results handling also see the results chapter of the oemof.solph documentation.

The following table gives an overview over the used classes and the naming of the label of the deflex components and buses. Each label is a nametuple with the fields cat, tag, subtag and region.

Classes and labels of deflex nodes
  class cat tag subtag region
commodity bus Bus commodity all <fuel> <region>
electricity bus Bus electricity all all <region>
district heating bus Bus heat district all <region>
decentralised heat bus Bus heat decentralised <fuel> <region>
mobility bus Bus mobility all <name> <region>
shortage source Source shortage <cat of bus> <subtag of bus> <region>
commodity source Source source commodity <fuel> <region>
volatile source Source source volatile <name> <region>
power line Transformer line electricity <from region> <to region>
mobility system Transformer mobility system <name> <fuel> <region>
chp plant Transformer chp plant <name> <fuel> <region>
decentralised heat system Transformer decentralised heat <name> <fuel> <region>
heat plant Transformer heat plant <name> <fuel> <region>
power plant Transformer power plant <name> <fuel> <region>
other converter Transformer other converter <name> <fuel> <region>
excess sink Sink excess <cat of bus> <subtag of bus> <region>
electricity demand Sink electricity demand electricity <name> <region>
district heat demand Sink heat demand district all <region>
decentralised heat demand Sink heat demand decentralised <fuel> <region>
mobility demand Sink mobility demand mobility <name> <region>
other demand Sink other demand other <fuel> <region>
storages GenericStorage storage <medium> <name> <region>

Export all results

To export the results from all variables into the xlsx or csv format, the results can be stored in a collection of pandas.DataFrame. This collection can be stored into a file. An example for this workflow can be found in the documentation of the function:

Get common values from results

The following values will be returned on an hourly base:

  • marginal costs [EUR/MWh]
  • highest emission [tons/MWh]
  • lowest emission [tons/MWh]
  • marginal costs power plant [-]
  • emission of marginal costs power plant [tons/MWh]

At the moment this works only with hourly time steps. This function is still work in progress and may return more key values in the future. Please write an issue on github for a discussion about further values.

Analyse flow cycles

As a directed graph is used to define an energy system. Cycles are defined as a group of successive directed flows, where the first and the last node or bus are the same. Small cycles are all storages. As this is a trivial solution of a cycle analysis storages can be excluded. Another kind of cycles are the combination of electrolysis and hydrogen power plants. Power lines will also cause cycles. Pure power line cycles can also be excluded but this will not exclude a cycle cause by an electrolysis in one region and a hydrogen power plant in another even though a power line is included in this cycle.

A cycle may not be a problem if it is not used as a cycle in the system. So it is also possible to analyse the usage of the cycle:

  1. cycle – a cycle that can be used within the model
  2. used cycle – a cycle in which all involved flows are used at least once.
  3. suspicious cycle – a cycle in which all involved flows are used within one time step.

The following functions are available

Analyse the energy system graph

It is possible to convert the graph of the EnergySystem class into an nxgraph of networkx. So, it is possible to use all methods and functions of networkx associate with a directed graph (DiGraph). Furthermore, deflex provides some function to associate colors with types of nodes or with the total weight of an edge (flow). This can be used if the graph is exported to a graphml file. Such a file can be opened in e.g. yEd where the colors can be used to display the nodes and edges in the associated colors.

Get dual variables

The dual variable is available for all buses in the energy system.

fetch_dual_results() – Get the resulta of the dual variables of all buses in one table

CHP allocation

These tool are mostly not connected to deflex but could be used in any context. The functions just implement typical allocation methods in Python code:

Arrange parts of the results

This parts can be used for plots and identification of the model

Combine results and parameter

The following functions can be used for further calculations. See the examples for more information.



Deflex does not include plotting function as plotting is mostly a very individual part and there are already a lot of useful packages available. Nevertheless, deflex provides maps for the default region sets and some example on how to create spatial plots. The maps can be access using the following functions.

General tools

Solph and deflex use logging messages to give a feedback from the running program, so deflex provides an easy function to activate the logger on the INFO level:

Some functions does not return a table but a set of table. To store these set of tables in a xlsx-map or a collection of csv-files the following function can be used.